How To Use This Website
The following information will help you navigate through the resource sections of this program by clicking on the appropriate tab as shown above on each page. After reading these instructions, click on the "Get Started" button below. Begin by viewing the following videos. These videos lay the foundation for Forming your Conscience. “Prologue: A House Divided” “Genesis of Constitutional Power” “The Four Estates” “The Power of the Fifth Estate” “Defining the Common Good” “Epilogue ‘The Voices of Truth Program” note: It is recommended that you view them in the order presented. The “Political Typology Quiz” tab will help you find out which of the nine political typology groups is your best match in relation to social justice issues. "Catholic Social Teaching" tab covers the teachings of the Church in a modern society. The "Social Justice Issues Today" tab describes issues facing American voters today. The “Parish Discussion Groups" tab has recorded focus groups discussions on social justice issues. Use these discussions to help formulate your position on these important issues. The "Federal Government” tab will allow access to official voting records on the President, Senators, and House of Representatives to help vet candidates for public office in National elections. The "State Government” tab will allow you to access official public voting records on your Governor, State Senators, and State Representatives to help vet candidates for public office in State elections. “Media Watchdogs” tab offers data on the efficacy of the Fourth Estate in being accurate and honest purveyors of political news events and legislative actions The “Fact Checkers” tab highlights non-partisan organizations that fact check statements and political claims by political leaders. The “Share Experience” tab is your way of helping us improve the website. Your input is requested and welcomed. The "Research" tab is available to search for specific information on the website.